Monday, August 25, 2008


To all my adoring fans, hope all is well.
     I have recently been perplexed by the posting concerning the Legos display from the local mall. I spent a great deal of time on my MAC trying to line everything up just right, and I eventually got it. All of the captions were adjacent to their respective pictures. (Guess I could have just made bigger pics and then labeled each but hey, sometimes I like to do it the hard way.) Anyway, L has tried to view that post on our PC and it is totally misaligned.  Nothing matches and there are huge spaces, while I can go back to it on the MAC and all is totally correct.. my apologies. This AM I tried to fix the issue on the PC and got close, but things are still not just right, and I can't really do anymore with it., and now if I look at it with the MAC it is off. Go figure!!
     So ... what's the deal? I don't know but I am going to place an inquiry to Blogger. Until the answer is sorted out, I will in the future put captions on the pics so I don't really have to deal with this issue too much, and so it will look nice for you. If anyone else has issues like this one, please chime in.
     Take it easy.

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