Thursday, June 10, 2010

So much to do ... Spring update ... just a little ltogate!!

Hello again, all.
As usual, I have taken a long time to get another post on. Just got lazy, what can I say.

Been busy through the first 6 mos of 2010. Early on, I had a continuing ed trip to Orlando and Luce couldn't pass up the chance to get back to Disney. We brought Nanna out to watch the girls and we took a little time out for ourselves. We got to ride all the rides we don't normally get to and were met by some friends from Dental School (thanks J and A). A good time was had by all.
Here we are in front of the Everest ride. Awesome roller coaster, but the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster was by far the best (Luce couldn't ride it though, but we won't talk about that). (BTW ... it's the sun making my hair look so white, I promise. It's usually more pepper than salt :) )

After that, I got to go to the far East with a trip to Korea to do some Training for some of the folks out there. We had a really good trip. Here is the gang ...
Everybody worked hard and we got to do some fun stuff as well. The pic above was waiting for the bullet train ... we (the US) is so far behind the times. This train goes about 170+ mph and was so smooth you almost didn't know you were moving. It was awesome. (write your congressman to get the show on the road).
We also got to do some sight seeing ... here is part of an awesome Buddhist temple that we visited. I got pics of the inside but didn't think it was cool to show people praying in this format. The detail on the buildings was fabulous. We also got to go to some great shopping areas and, of course, had some great Korean food (though I am not all that into Kimshee, the BBQ was most excellent). Had a great tour guide (thanks Jenny) and got to see the more local side ... away from the tourist spots ... "OMG ... Show me the Money!" (sorry, inside joke).

Me and Hunter got to take some surf lessons ... finally. (Though with all respect to the real surfers out there, these were BABY lessons. They hold your board and tell you exactly what to do, and the board is so big it makes it seem easy ... NOT. We tried it on our own and didn't have nearly as much luck). Here is Hunter with a great view of Diamond Head in the background. At least we can say we got up. We're going again ... soon.
Gracie got to do some of her own riding. She started off around early April by letting me know it was time to learn to ride her bike. I tried last summer and that lasted all of about 30 seconds before she got fed up, angry with me, and just dropped the bike and walked off. This time, she was ready. I made sure by making her ask me about 3 weeks in a row. Finally, when the day came, I think I walked with all of about 20 ft and she just took off. We haven't seen her since. I think she should be somewhere around downtown Honolulu by now but nobody knows.
She also got to ride some of the furry sort ... she decided that gymnastics wasn't her bag (much to the chagrin of her older sister) and started asking to follow in Hunter's footsteps and learn to ride horses. Everybody's dream is ride Uncle and Auntie's horses when we go there. We finally relented and got her down to THH and got her first lesson. She did really well and paid close attention (why can't we get her to do that). I thinks she's a natural like the other.

We all enjoyed some time doing the eggs at Easter ... some more than others. As usual, I was the brunt of many jokes and lost of ribbing about my technique and whatever else they can think of to get me on.

Memorial Day ... Luce talked us all in to visiting PunchBowl National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific. Most didn't want to go, but to her credit it was a great idea. We waited until the crowds had died down after the Mayor's speach and were then able to drive right down. It is in a crater and it really is very nice. It is secluded from the rest of the city by the crater walls, so there is a real sense of peace there. The Hawaiian traditions help make it unique. They put lei's (sp?) on all the markers, some have the person's favorite food (couldn't show because didn't want to put name out there) and most have really nice flower arrangements. For Memorial Day, every stone had a Lei and a flag and the Medal of Honor winners had a blue flag to designate them. I didn't know they did that. It was quite moving. everyone wandered off in their own direction and all had good things to say when we left. Think it will be come a tradition ... while we're here.

Other notes ... Bailey got her license ... can you say 'white knuckles', Luce turned 29 (again), everyone moved up a grade (now 2nd, 7th, and a Junior), I had to go back to Orlando (no fun this time), and Hunter and I are off to Kauai this weekend. Should be fun.

Again, I'll try to get back sooner ... but no promises.

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