Friday, July 16, 2010

Family's Here!!

Hello all, Aloha.
Well, Family's here. The troop arrived on Wed, took a day to recoup from the flight and then today, off for some fun. Me and Big Brother decided to take in a hike and found Koko Head Crater to be the right place. There is a trek that runs up the left side (in this pic) that is an old railroad track, i.e. ties as stairs, and track running bottom to top.
Here is a view from near the beginning. There are 1048 steps most of which require just a little kick to get up on to, none are just easy, natural step size.
Stopping about 2/3 of the way for a breather (we actually only took one break for about 1-2 min.) looking up at the last 1/4-1/3 of the trek. At this point the ties are laid out almost like a ladder (not quite, but who's gettin' picky!!)
We made it to the top in about 20 min. It is a good trek but wouldn't recommend for those not in pretty decent shape. We didn't have a lot of trouble but got winded pretty good. The view at the end was well worth it ...
gotta get that 'shaka' in ... looking down on the SE shore of O'ahu ...
looking back at Honolulu and Diamond Head Crater ...
looking SE you can make out Molokai pretty easily and if you're good and know what you're looking for, Maui sitting just behind. This was the best view of this I have ever had ...
Looking at Hanuama Bay in the background. We took about 20-25 min to recoup after the hike up and here were just waiting to get started on the way down. No matter what you did ... tough on the knees.
All-in-all a VERY nice hike.

We'll put up more from their trip as it gets taken :)
Mahalo for reading.

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