Monday, July 13, 2009

Yup!! you guessed it. We are in official party mode now ... 1 day away.

We did the ABC Family channel marathon over the weekend to prep up ... we have our HP t-shirts (though mine has bleach stains where someone (ahem L, L, L, L, L, L, L ... not mentioning any names of course) spilled it on the back) ... and we've got our tickets (we'll be in line by 10pm tomorrow nite so that we can get some good seats (maybe earlier if I can't get in a good nap due to all the excitement!)) Yup ... true geeks!

That's ok. At least B and H chose to go with me to go to the midnight show instead of friends (YES ... Dad Rocks!!!!!). I better enjoy it while I can!

C'ya there!! :-)

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